8 Different Miracle-Stuffed Temple Dedications

Eight or nine months ago I was sitting in a fast & testimony meeting. An older woman was up there at the podium. She said something that surprised me. She said it almost as an after thought, and then moved on to the next sentence in less time than it takes an arthritic to pop a knuckle.

What she said so matter-of-factly was that she’d seen angels at the Draper Temple Dedication. That’s a powerful comment. I looked around for reactions and although I saw eyes affixed - I heard no gasp. If ever there was a time to gasp that would have been it!

The whole congregation took it in stride, though. That could be because angels play such a large part in our history. Joseph Smith used to accurately tell people exactly when they’d see an angel. The two testimonies closing out this piece included full blown angel sightings too. I actually know a handful of people that have angel stories. You probably do, too. Someone you know may share such a story if they think they can trust you.

Our rich history of miraculous temple dedications is a reason nobody gasped in that sacrament meeting. Everyone knows it’s happened before. Everyone knows it could happen again. Below are 8 temple dedication experiences where the veil thinned. Sometimes it thinned a little. Sometimes it thinned a lot. Some of these I’d never heard until I went looking for specific stories.

Lets start with a classic. Here are two accounts of what happened during the Kirtland Temple dedication:

1) Kirtland Temple
1) "God was there [in the Kirtland Temple], his angels were there, the Holy Ghost was in the midst of the people . . . and they were filled from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet with the power and inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and uttered forth prophecies in the midst of that congregation, which have been fulfilling from that day to the present time…
"George A. Smith arose and began to prophesy, when a noise was heard like the sound of a rushing mighty wind, which filled the Temple, and all the congregation simultaneously arose, being moved upon by an invisible power; many began to speak in tongues and prophesy; others saw glorious visions; and I beheld the Temple was filled with angels, which fact I declared to the congregation. The people of the neighborhood came running together (hearing an unusual sound within, and seeing a bright light like a pillar of fire resting upon the Temple), and were astonished at what was taking place" (http://www.ldsliving.com/When-the-Kirtland-and-Nauvoo-Temples-Were-Engulfed-in-Spiritual-Fire/s/86126)
2) “I again went up to Kirtland, to attend the dedication of the temple, and to meet with the solemn assembly that was there convened. There the Spirit of the Lord, as on the day of Pentecost, was profusely poured out. Hundreds of elders spoke in tongues, but many of them being young in the Church, and never having witnessed the manifestation of this gift before, felt a little alarmed. This caused the Prophet Joseph Smith to pray the Lord to withhold the Spirit. Joseph then instructed them on the nature of the gift of tongues, and the operation of the Spirit generally. We had a most glorious and never-to-be-forgotten time. Angels were seen by numbers present, and the first endowments were received.” (https://books.google.com/books?id=8L1DAaWdzC4C&pg=PA267&lpg=PA267&dq=%22I+again+went+up+to+Kirtland,+to+attend+the+dedication+of+the+temple,+and+to+meet+with+the+solemn+assembly%22&source=bl&ots=MlQb85qnOz&sig=f1EUaAe3h1iAmrIshLwFGJWL5f0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3tZvIqbvaAhUJZawKHbxXAC8Q6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=%22I%20again%20went%20up%20to%20Kirtland%2C%20to%20attend%20the%20dedication%20of%20the%20temple%2C%20and%20to%20meet%20with%20the%20solemn%20assembly%22&f=false)
That one is interesting because it shows people being absolutely unprepared for the outpouring that took place. It’s the only story I am aware of where Joseph Smith prayed to reign in the spirit a bit.
The Nauvoo temple was never fully dedicated. Parts of it were dedicated – like the attic and the font, but the whole thing never was. The saints had to leave town fast. Mobs were circling the temple, quite literally. Miraculous visions were, however, part of the building process. (https://www.lds.org/ensign/2002/07/the-first-nauvoo-temple-so-great-a-cause?lang=eng)
2) Nauvoo Temple
 “On the night of March 15, 1846, a man by the name of Chester Loveland was woken by his mother-in-law raising the alarm that the temple was on fire.
“It's important to note that just over a month before, the Nauvoo Temple roof had actually caught fire from an overheated stove pipe, and so there probably was a double sense of alarm to see flames devouring the temple once again.
“Loveland dressed quickly and ran outside to see that the temple was again ablaze. However, "He studied it for a few seconds and realized the flames were not consuming the temple. He also didn’t see anyone else running to the rescue and concluded it was the glory of God. He returned to bed"
“And Loveland and his mother-in-law were not the only ones to notice the flames surrounding the temple.
“According to The Nauvoo Temple: “A Monument of the Saints,” another man saw the belfry appear to be on fire at around 9:45 p.m., but when he reached the temple, it was unharmed, dark, and secure.
“The same night of these sightings, a small group of members was gathered inside the temple for a sacrament meeting that lasted until midnight. According to The Nauvoo Temple: “A Monument of the Saints,” they were "overcome with the Spirit" and many spoke in tongues, prophesied, saw visions, and two heavenly beings were reported being seen in the corner of the room.” (http://www.ldsliving.com/When-the-Kirtland-and-Nauvoo-Temples-Were-Engulfed-in-Spiritual-Fire/s/86126)
I like the part where Loveland “concluded it was the glory of God. He returned to bed.” Makes it all sound very commonplace.
3) St. George Temple
“A private dedication was held on January 1, 1877, for parts of the temple. On that day temple president and apostle Wilford Woodruff wrote, “This is a very important day to the Church and Kingdom of God upon the Earth.”
“As Brigham Young walked to the stand to speak to the assembled, “the house seemed filled with a heavenly host and the President’s face fairly shone with the light of the Holy Ghost.”
“He asked if those in attendance thought he was satisfied with the temple. He then said, “I am not half satisfied, until I have whipped . . . the devils from off this earth,” and crashed his hickory cane down on the pine pulpit.
“After the ceremony, the Saints began to leave the temple but stopped when President Young advised, “Sit down and calm yourselves and let the devil roar.” When they did leave the temple, they found their buggies had been upset and trees blown down in a terrible windstorm.” (http://www.ldsliving.com/-Let-the-Devil-Roar-Brigham-Young-s-Surprising-Statement-After-the-St-George-Temple-Dedication/s/84750)
I think I may have missed this report of Brigham Young’s glowing face when I made the list of 11 other instances of that miracle. Notice how this temple was dedicated in parts too – just like in Nauvoo when everyone was in a hurry. St. George would be the first temple to be finished in the west and the only one the saints would have access to. They simple couldn't wait.
Manti was another big one:
4) Manti Temple
“During the temple dedication services, there were several spectacular spiritual manifestations. Former prophets and apostles who had already passed on were present for that sacred occasion. When Brother John W. Taylor, was speaking, “a bright halo surrounded him, in which the personages of President Brigham Young, John Taylor, and a third personage whom [some] believed to be the Prophet Joseph, were seen.” Brother Jedediah M. Grant was also seen standing next to his son, Heber J. Grant. Brother Smyth was playing a selection from Mendelssohn on the organ when “a number of the Saints in the body of the hall and some of the brethren in the west stand heard most heavenly voices singing. It sounded to them as angelic, and appeared to be behind and above them, and many turned their heads in that direction wondering if there were not another choir in some other part of the building. There was no other choir.”” (https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/byu-religious-education-student-symposium-2009/restoration-and-history-church/construction)
And of course the temple of all temples would have to be on the list. 40 years in the making and the dedication did not disappoint:
5) Salt Lake Temple

“As viewed through the pages of the contemporary diarist, the dedication emerges as a spiritual event unparalleled since the dedication of the Kirtland, Ohio, House of the Lord…
“During dedication services in Salt Lake City, Woodruff "related his vision he had in Boston some 50 years ago. How the Lord showed him the Saints would move to the Rocky Mountains and build this Temple, and [that] he would be called upon to open it to the people and dedicate it to the Lord."…
“"The prayer was simply grand," wrote one witness, "and caused all hearts to overflow with praise and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father, and so manifest was the Spirit of God that the vail [sic] was almost rent and we indeed felt we were in the presence of our God and Jesus Christ our Redeemer and hosts of heavenly beings..."
“There were other manifestations, of a personal character, that accompanied the dedicatory services. Elder Rudger Clawson recorded in his journal that his wife, Lydia, "heard some beautiful singing that seemed to come from the North East corner of the room even though there was no choir in the area.
and declared that he saw "a beautiful light cross the building above the chandeliers." Some witnessed the apparent transfiguration of Wilford Woodruff into the likeness of Brigham Young, while others observed a halo of glory surrounding Woodruff. One individual reported seeing on the stand Brigham Young and several members of the Quorum of the Twelve who had passed away, as well as other spirit beings…
“Another witness recorded that Woodruff stated that "Our Saviour had appeared unto [me] in the East Room in the Holy of Holies, & told [me] that He had accepted of the Temple & of the dedication services, & that the Lord forgave us His Saints who had assisted in any manner towards the erection and completion of the Temple.”” (https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V31N03_115.pdf)
As the list grows it’s interesting to see things repeat. Angelic choirs, halos of light, transfigurations and Christ appearances. We are now entering the temple dedications I was not familiar with – but you'll see the heavens were in attendance:
6) Alberta Temple
1) A special train brought almost all the high oficials [sic] of the Church to Cardston for the Alberta Temple’s dedication…
President Heber J. Grant, who had succeeded Joseph F. Smith in 1918, spoke in each service. David A. Smith, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, confided that for some time he had longed for the opportunity of once again counseling with his father, the late President Joseph F. Smith. “Yesterday,” he testified, “I walked with him in these halls and by his side I stood while offering up the sacred shout of Hosanna.” (https://books.google.com/books?id=PLyO80ngRYcC&pg=PA275&lpg=PA275&dq=%22spiritual+experience+in+Alberta+Temple%22&source=bl&ots=dj3lwVNs80&sig=wCwM2ZU6Q4EqOrbHdR_-WwnyYYU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi13_X06L3aAhUIca0KHSzEAlIQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Alberta%20Temple&f=false)
2) A lady at Cardston who came to one of the Temple services, did so with the spirit of the adversary in her heart, but before she got in, her dead husband met her at the gate and told her that the spirit of the adversary could not enter those sacred portals. She was so overcome that she went to the apostles and confessed her sins." (http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/cardston/id/499)
And speaking of heavenly patterns – here. Joseph F. makes another appearance:
7) Hawaii Temple
1) “…Speakers [in Hawaii] typically opened their remarks with an ‘Aloha” and received a warm “Aloha” from the congregation in response…
“…Some of those who were present for the temple’s dedication had roots going back to the beginnings of the church in Hawaii. Sister Manaoheakamalu, who had cared for Joseph [F.] Smith during his first mission to Hawaii and was now a very old lady, had to be carried into the temple. She returned a week later to receive her endowment. While in the temple she heard the voice of President Joseph F. Smith greeting her with ‘Aloha” and “this caused her to weep for joy.” She passed away only a short time later.” (https://books.google.com/books?id=PLyO80ngRYcC&pg=PA275&lpg=PA275&dq=%22spiritual+experience+in+Alberta+Temple%22&source=bl&ots=dj3lwVNs80&sig=wCwM2ZU6Q4EqOrbHdR_-WwnyYYU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi13_X06L3aAhUIca0KHSzEAlIQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=aloha&f=false)
Mid-dedication break. This next one is still from the Hawaii temple dedication – and is wholly unique on the list:
2) “…the night before the Laie Hawaii Temple was dedicated in 1921, E. Wesley experienced the following events:
“”A man came through the door. He was tall enough to have to stoop to enter. His eyes were very protruding and rather wild looking, his fingernails were thick and long. He presented a rather unkempt appearance and wore no clothing at all. . . . There suddenly appeared in [Smith’s] right hand a light which had the size and appearance of a dagger. . . . A voice said, “This is your priesthood.” He commanded the person in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to depart. . . . Immediately when the light appeared the person stopped and on being commanded to leave, he backed out the door.”” (http://www.ldsliving.com/When-Cain-Appeared-to-Joseph-Fielding-Smith-s-Brother-And-Talked-with-Apostle-David-W-Patten/s/83424)
And now for the Oakland temple. This one is also a little different – but beautiful. It is the most detailed account on the list, and appears to have quite a few witnesses:
8) Oakland Temple
“…it was in 1924 that Elder George Albert Smith stood on the balcony of the Fremont Hotel, at his side was a Brother McDonald, and he said, “Brother McDonald, ““I can almost see in vision a white temple of the Lord high upon those hills, an ensign to all the world travelers as they sail through the Golden Gate into this wonderful harbor.” Then he studied the vista for a few minutes, and said, “A great white temple of the Lord will grace those hills, a glorious ensign to the nations, to welcome our Father’s children as they visit this great city.””
“Time went on, and it wasn’t until 1942, some years later, that we were offered a chance to buy some property in that location. It was during the Second World War; the owner of the property needed to sell it. He couldn’t build on it because he had no materials. And so Elder McKay went out to Oakland and stood on the balcony of the Fremont Motel with Brother McDonald again, and said, “Now, where was he pointing, when he made that prophecy?” So they went over and bought 14 1⁄2 acres for $18,000. Not bad, huh? Good...and, but they had to go back a little while later and buy 2 more acres for access for $21,000. But time went on with nothing happening until President McKay became a very influential prophet. And he undertook the effort to raise the money and prepare for the dedication. And everything went forward, until just prior to the dedication, he had a stroke. And you’re all way too young to remember, but we remember in general conference having his son get up and give his talks in conference, because he couldn’t speak any longer, could hardly move. But the day of the dedication came, it was scheduled for November 17, 18 and 19 in 1964. And, his doctor told him, “President McKay, don’t plan to go. You’re much too weak.”
“And he said, “I am going to the dedication.” He loved that place. And so they put him on the plane and took him out and put him in a hotel.
“The morning of the dedication someone put his head into the room and said, “Is President McKay coming?”
“And a voice came out and said, “He’ll be there.”
“Once they got to the temple and the dedication started, President McKay asked Brother O. Leslie Stone, who at the time was a stake president, to conduct the meeting. After the singing by the choir and the invocation, O. Leslie Stone startled the Brethren and family members present by announcing, “We shall all now have the privilege of hearing from President McKay.” Remember, now, he hadn’t spoken much for months. He couldn’t walk really, either. The prophet was wheeled to the pulpit, and amazingly, stood, both hands grasping the side of the pulpit. He then began to speak. His enunciation became as clear as it had been years before. Every vestige of the stroke was gone.
“President McKay’s son recorded, “My wife, with tears running down her cheeks, whispered, ‘Lawrence, we’re witnessing a miracle.’ I nodded in agreement.” Members of the Council of the Twelve were crying. At the end of the first session, President McKay’s son sought out the doctor, and said, “Can Dad keep this up?”
“And the doctor said, “Lawrence, this is out of my hands. If I hadn’t have been here to see it, I wouldn’t have believed it.” The Oakland Temple had its day of Pentecost in a loving and compassionate Father had given to one of His faithful sons the fulfillment of his heart in fully participating in the dedication of the temple.”  (https://www.ldsbc.edu/devotionals-archive/1095-the-lord-s-spirit-abides-in-his-temples.html)
Do the heavens still spill over at temple dedications? They can! Remember the Draper thing at the beginning of this! Dedications happen all the time. Find one close to you. Go worthy. Go sincerely. Go prayerfully. See what happens!


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