
Showing posts from August, 2019

5 Angels and One Banana - More Latter-Day Saint Angelic Encounters

Angelic sighting or visitations are not an uncommon occurrence in the Church. Remember how Joseph Smith used to accurately tell people when they would see the glorious white-garbed visitors ? Angels have also been known to make some eyes pop and jaws drop at temple dedications , and Tabernacle Christmas concerts . This list has even more angel encounters. Some of them I was already familiar with, but some I was not. My favorite of the bunch is here first – it is both new to me and fascinating. It happened to an 8-year-old boy, and the people telling his story really tried to keep it in his words: 1) George A. Thomas “When I went into the dining room, Aunt Elvira told me it was too cold for me to remain out of bed undressed, so she said I could go to the pantry to take a banana and go back to bed until she got time to help me dress. Just as I was about to go into bed in the front room I saw a personage coming slowly down feet first through the ceiling beyond