
Showing posts from March, 2019

5 Fascinating Near Death Experiences in Early Church History (#s 1 & 2 Happened to Prophets!)

Near-Death experiences are best taken with a great big grain of salt. Just because someone claims them doesn’t mean they happened. That said, with so many reported, certainly some of them have probably happened. Some Latter-Day prophets have claimed the experience – others have been closely associated with second party NDEs. Non-prophets have also had some. And one of them in this list featured two people dying, crossing over, conversing and then both coming back! As it happens, there are dozens if not hundreds (if not thousands) of Near-Death experiences in Church history. Here are five good ones: In the last blog post about how impressive ol’ B. Young was, what with the slave-freeing and angelic visitors and all , a  near death experience was also mentioned. He only talked about it in passing. Here are more details on it: 1)     Brigham Young “I was bolstered up in my chair, but was so near gone that I could not close my eyes, which were set in my head

The Times Brigham Young Freed Indian Slaves, Heard God’s Voice, Had Angelic Visitors…etc.…etc.…

Brigham Young kind of takes a lot of flak. He shouldn’t – he was actually an amazing man & prophet. Below is a list of occurrences from his life showing just how on track he was. (Hint: He was very on track!) Jumping in… 1)      Brigham Young Assuming the Reins As you may know, when Smith died there was a big controversy about who should sit in his seat. Sure, you could piece it together with Smith’s Rocky Mountain predictions (and who ended up there), but there was also a time, according to this, where Smith himself said Brigham Young would one day fill his shoes. It happened after Young spoke in tongues for the first time. Some people were weirded out by it, and asked JS his opinion on the matter. This is his recorded response: “…it is of God, and the time will come when brother Brigham Young will preside over this Church.” (,+it+is+of+God,+and+the+time+w