
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Lost 116 Pages - What We Think Was On There And What People Said Was On There!

There are loads of interesting aspects to Church history. For example, did anyone else use seer stones? You could ponder that all day - or the times Church members used priesthood to cease storms  - that doesn't get talked about enough. And then, of course, there is the persistent wondering of whether or not LDS prophets still see Christ ( most have! ). Again, these are just a few random Church-related points worth rabbit-holing. Without a doubt, the lost 116 pages from the Book of Mormon deserves a place on that list. What was on them? Do they still exist? Could charred but legible chunks of them still be lining a 19 th century fire pit? For those who don’t know, these 116 pages were the first portion of the Book of Mormon - translated with Martin Harris acting as scribe. Harris really wanted to show his wife what he was working on. He asked to borrow the 116, was divinely told no twice - but then a third time he was finally granted permission with severe