The Best 3 Nephite Story Ever Told
may have heard three Nephite stories before. Remember these ones? They are much
cooler than these Cain sighting stories. The Nephite stories usually involve an
unexpected appearance, a heavenly interaction and a mysterious disappearance.
Most of the stories don’t go beyond a few paragraphs.
story of Robert Edge, however, is incredibly long and detailed. It’s the most
detailed of such stories I’ve ever seen. And it first appeared, as far as I can
tell, in the Millenial Star on 21 June 1880. (
that tells us is that this story was at least believed enough, back when it was
first told, to make it into a pretty major church periodical.
you feel about 3 Nephite stories – this is a fun read. Now on with it!
“One calm, sunny
day, in the month of May, 1878, a supposed clap of thunder directly over the
city of Lexington, Henderson County, Tennessee, rebounding from the hills and
cliffs nearby, greatly excited the curiosity of the Peoples of that region. The
farmer stopped his plow, gazed around for an approaching storm, but seeing no
cloud in the clear sky threw his plow again into the furrow and Plodded on, as
though nothing had happened. The workman in his shop laid down his tools,
walked to the door, to see from whence the storm was coming. The merchant and
the tailor did the same, but seeing no sign of a storm returned in wonderment
to their labor, and consoled themselves with the thought that the noise was
only one of the phenomena of the nineteenth century.
“One strange
feature, however, of this occurrence was that every person who lived within
eight miles of Lexington stated that the sound proceeded either from a bluff
located near the city or else sounded directly overhead. Reports soon came that
this peculiar sound was heard for thirty miles around.
“In the afternoon
of the same day a strange man appeared near Lexington, the county seat. He was
rather spare built, Of medium height, had fair skin, and dark brown hair which
was rather thin and inclined to curl; his beard was of a reddish cast and not
very heavy. Judging from his appearance his age was between twentyseven and
thirty years.
“The object of
this stranger was to announce a meeting which was to be held in the
neighborhood that evening. Being rather poorly clad, and because of his seeming
intimate acquaintance with the shortest roads in the fields and woods, he
excited the curiosity of a great many people, and as a consequence the meeting
house, that evening, was crowded to its utmost capacity.
“At the hour
appointed the stranger took his position on the stand. After looking around the
assembly for a few moments he arose, and in a very clear, sharp tone, called
the audience to order. He then sang a hymn that was most pleasing both in
sentiment and melody.
“On arising to
speak he astonished his congregation by not using that whining tone which is
usually characteristic of modern divines, but spoke in a clear, decisive tone.
He was very calm in his introductory remarks, but grew more eloquent as he entered
deeper into his subject.
“At the close of
the services he appointed, at the solicitation of those present, several
meetings to be held In the surrounding country.
“He gave his name
as Robert Edge, and said he belonged to the Church of God, but concerning the
place from which he came, the inquirer received no satisfaction.
“The news that a
strange but eloquent preacher had come into the country, spread far and near.
In his first circuit through different parts of the county this person pursued
a very peculiar but effective course. Seemingly his object was to get all
classes of people out to hear him. By way of illustration, when he first
entered a neighborhood whose dominant sect was of the Baptist persuasion, he
would speak upon some gospel principle of which this class of people were
particularly fond, and display its good features in a very pleasing and
beautiful manner. lt is needless to say that after thus speaking, the Baptists
would gather around him and express their appreciation of his remarks. When he
entered a Methodist, Presbyterian or Campbellite neighborhood, he pursued the
same course with regard to the good features of their respective religions.
Occasionally he would intermingle his ideas upon other principles, such as free
thought, independence of character, etc. By this means he gathered around him
the Methodist, Presbyterian, Campbellite and the so called sinner. His fame as
an eloquent speaker grew so rapidly that people of all classes gathered to hear
him from localities twenty and thirty miles distant.
“By this time a
great many began questioning among themselves why it was that no one had ever
seen Mr. Edge either come or go any great distance from the meeting house. When
he would come to meeting no one remembered seeing him until after he had
arrived in the crowd, or was in the pulpit. They at once appointed persons to
watch him, but they, as well as the people, were sure to lose track of him
before he had proceeded very far, unless he had, perchance, accepted an
invitation to accompany some of his hearers home.
“Mr. Edge being a
supposed stranger in that locality, the people wondered why he had not asked
his way when desiring to go from one place to another. One evening a gentleman
who had never before seen the mysterious preacher came to his meeting, and was
very much pleased with his discourse. At the close of the meeting the stranger
arose to his feet and asked Mr. Edge if he would be kind enough to come and
speak at his house the following Wednesday. Mr. Edge dropped his head a moment
as though thinking whether he could fill the appointment or not, then looked up
and replied, "Yes, sir, I will be there at seven o'clock."
“The gentleman
lived several miles from where that meeting was held, and therefore wondered
why he was not asked the road leading to his residence, but no questions were
asked. The people where he was then stopping said they watched Mr. Edge very
closely but learned to their satisfaction that he did not make any inquiries
concerning. the gentleman's name or his place of residence; still, when the
time for the meeting came he was in his place.
“As we have now
given a brief outline of the course pursued by Mr. Edge when he first came into
their midst, as well as some of his peculiarities, we will turn to the doctrines
taught by him.
“Although he had
been speaking quite freely upon the principles advocated by the various sects,
seemingly to draw around him the different classes of people, he gave them to
understand that he believed first in a tangible Godin a God that could walk,
talk, understand and be understood; in a God that had passions to love and hate
right and wrong principles.
“Second, in a
repentance that consisted in turning from sin, and learning to do well.
“Third, in a
baptism after the likeness of the death, burial, and resurrection of our risen
Redeemer, in a baptism that would cleanse one from his sins, and enable him to
walk in a newness of life, as did our Savior when He passed from mortality to
immortality. At this time he only referred to the laying on of hands for the
reception of the Holy Ghost, as being a principle taught by Jesus Christ and
His apostles, and left the query on the minds of the people, how such and such
doctrines could be taught in His Church now, and yet He be an unchangeable
“Mr. Edge dwelt
very elaborately upon prophecy contained in the Old and New Testaments. First
he referred to prophecies that have received their literal fulfillment, in
order to give them a correct understanding of the term. Then very ably referred
to many prophecies that are being fulfilled, or that have not yet received
their fulfillmentsuch as those referring to the second coming of Christ; to
the gathering together of Israel; to the rebuilding of Jerusalem by the Jews;
to the mountains of ice flowing down and highways being cast up for the people
to travel upon who should come from the north countries whither they have been
scattered; to the restoration of God's kingdom upon this continent, before that
reign of peace for one thousand years, with Christ and His people.
“About this time
Mr. Edge held a meeting at the city of Lexington that will long be remembered
by the multitude that gathered to hear him from the surrounding country. Their
attention was first called to his peculiar prayer, wherein he asked the Lord to
grant unto all people everywhere the desires of their hearts; should they seek
knowledge, to cause that they might be filled; should they ask for wisdom, to
give it unto them; if notoriety or fame be their object, to permit them to
obtain it; if it be gold they are seeking, to fill their laps; should the
reverend divines seek to bring souls unto Christ, to aid them in so doing;
should they preach for hire and divine for money, to hinder them not from
receiving it; should the loaves and fishes be their desire, to fill their
plates. More especially did he appeal to God that all those who were then
assembled might depart filled with that for which they came; if gospel truths
be what they are seeking, to fill them to overflowing; if curiosity is what
they came for, to cause that they might return feeling more curious.
“Those who have
listened to the many long appeals for the wandering sinner by the reverend
divines can better imagine the amazement of this assembly than we can describe
“When Mr. Edge
arose to speak, every eye was fixed upon him, wondering what next. That
afternoon he took for his text, "Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of
harlots and abominations of the earth," referred to in the seventeenth
chapter of Revelation.
“At first he
explained in a short but clear manner how beautifully God's Church was
organized in the apostles' days; how nicely every principle was linked together
from faith, repentance, baptism and the laying on of hands for the reception of
the Holy Ghost, to the resurrection of the dead, after which he brought down in
a vivid and forcible manner the history of God’s people until the last one that
had the testimony of Jesus was driven to an untimely grave.
“With this he
connected Catholicism and the dark ages, when man could circumnavigate this
globe in search of one divinely authorized servant of God who had the spirit of
prophecy, and not find him.
“After Mr. Edge
had proven from the scriptures and profane history that God's people had been
destroyed and every vestige of His Church taken from the earth, he very frankly
told them that every sect and creed over this broad land was wrong, and that
all had departed from the faith once given to the saints. He then bore a
powerful testimony that the gospel in all its primitive beauty had been
restored to the earth, and that, too, with apostles and prophets and inspired
men at its head. He then called upon all to repent of their sins and come out
of Babylon and follow Christ, for the hour of God's judgment was at hand.
“After this most
wonderful discourse, Satan himself seemed to turn loose. The people were
divided among themselves and began contending with each other. The preachers
flew into a perfect frenzy and began plotting and planning how to get rid of this
fellow. And, by the by, our new preacher seemed to have turned loose also, for
he went through the country like a man inspired of God, warning the people to
repent and serve their Maker, or some of the most fearful calamities that ever
befell man would come upon them and this nation.
“Many of the
honest in heart gathered around him and began to inquire from whence he came
and where could this kingdom of God be found that he had so beautifully
“They still
received no satisfaction as to where he came from, but the kingdom of God, said
he, "is located within these United States."
“To give you a
better idea how Mr. Edge was questioned, and how peculiar his answers were, we
will relate an instance.
“While walking the
road one day the boys began remarking among themselves, how hard it was to find
out who this Mr. Edge was, and where he had come from. At this, one Jones, a
Baptist deacon, spoke up in a very determined manner saying, "Why, I'll
dig him up this evening."
“Mr. Edge had an
appointment for a meeting in a private house that evening nearby. As it
happened, he stayed with the family where he held meeting that night. At supper
Mr. Edge had eaten but very little, when he pushed back from the table and
began pacing the floor, as though somewhat uneasy. However, in a few moments he
turned to the family and remarked, "I am going to be tempted by the devil
this evening through a man."
“Soon the young
people began gathering in from all directions anticipating some fun between
Jones, the deacon, and our strange preacher.
“Just as the last
rays of the sparkling sun sank behind the horizon, Mr. Edge discovered a man
climbing the fence, a few hundred yards off, as though coming to meeting.
Turning to the family he remarked, "Here comes the gentleman now." On
his arrival it proved to be Jones, the deacon.
“By this time a
goodly number had gathered in, and Mr. Edge had taken his seat in the far end
of the room, beside a small table containing his Bible and hymn book. when Mr.
Jones came in, he deliberately walked across the room and sat down beside Mr.
Edge. After a few moments' silence, Mr. Jones inquired, "My friend, where
are you from?"
“Mr. Edge looked
up from his Bible as though somewhat astonished, and replied, "From about
six miles," meaning the next neighborhood, where he had just left.
J."What church do you belong to?" Mr. E."The Church of God,
Mr. J"Where is it?"
Mr. E."In the United
“Mr. J."You
have been speaking about one being ordained before he had the right to preach.
By whom were you ordained?"
“Mr. E."By
Jesus Christ, sir." Mr.J."Where?"
Mr.J."How long have you been preaching?"
Mr.E."About eighteen hundred years."
“At this point Mr.
Jones sprang to his feet and walked away in disgust. On another occasion Mr.
Edge pronounced the secret societies as being manmade institutions through
which the devil operated. In referring to Masonry, he said, "Although this
institution dates its origin many centuries back, it is only a perverted
priesthood stolen from the temples of the Most High." After giving several
Masonic signs he testified that Jesus Christ Himself was the chief and master
“In order to give
a better understanding how he explained the prophetic visions of ancient men of
God, we will refer to a favorite text of his when contrasting the powers of God
and the world; and the length of time Satan should bear rule. Rev. II:l3:
“And there was
given me a reed like unto a rod; and the angel stood, saying, rise and measure
the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
“But the court
which is without the temple leave out and measure it not; for it is given unto
the Gentiles; and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two
“The inner courts
he explained as the courts of God filled with the brightness of the Lord's
glory. The outer courts as the kingdoms of this world that had been placed in
the hands of the Gentiles. In like manner he explained the wheel within a
wheel. The time the Gentiles should possess the outer kingdoms he positively
declared would expire in this generation, after which Jesus Christ would rule.
“By this time many
of the professed followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, together with the pious
Free Masons began seeking his life. One reverend divine went so far as to hire
a gang of lawless men to hunt him down and shed his blood before sleep should
overtake them. This movement compelled Mr. Edge to confine his labors more
particularly among those who were his friends. However, many who were friendly
at first began dropping off as popular feeling against him became more intense.
“The course
pursued by Mr. Edge in the beginning enabled him to reach all classes of
people. Hence today many who severed their connections with the churches are
looked upon as infidels because they believe not the dogmas of today noting the
difference between them and the doctrines of Christ, as laid down in the divine
“Those who were
indeed his friends by this time gathered around him and desired baptism. He
answered them in these words, "I would not baptize a man for my right
“One then said,
"You have not the right to baptize, then?"
“Mr. Edge replied,
"If I have not, others have," and he promised that all who so desired
he would organize into a church of brotherly love after the apostolic order.
This proposal met their approval and some sixty persons assembled together when
he laid his hands upon their heads and blessed them, as they supposed for the
reception of the Holy Ghost. He then selected one from among them to take
charge of their prayer meetings.
“Mr. Edge was not
a man of many words outside the pulpit, and when he did converse with his
fellowmen, it was mostly upon religion. "For," said he, "my
Father's business is too urgent for me to trifle with political affairs."
“When it could be
so arranged, he held from one to three meetings a day. He did his own singing,
preaching and praying without even showing the least sign of hoarseness. He
ate, on an average, only one meal per day.
“Mr. Edge
circulated the news that on a certain evening he would deliver one discourse in
behalf of the devil. Although popular feeling by this time was very much
against him, hundreds of people, through curiosity, came to hear this peculiar
sermon. When the evening came, the house was packed to its utmost capacity.
“On arising to
speak, the preacher read the following verses for a text: Matt. iv. 8,9.
“Again the devil
taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain; and showeth him all the kingdoms
of the world and the glory of them.
“And said unto him
all these things will I give unto thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
“He then assumed
the attitude of the devil; and gave his audience to understand that every word
spoken by him was the same as if Lucifer had said it himself.
“After showing
from his text that this whole world was under his direct command, he portrayed
the many beauties and pleasures that were at his disposal. He then eulogized
them very much upon the course they were pursuing. "I am not so
particular," said he, "how you obtain money, but the idea is, get
“He said to his
assembly that should one of them have a horse to sell, his advice as the devil,
would be to take him into the back yard for a few days and there feed him well
on the best of buckskin, then to bring him out into the road prancing on his
hind feet, take him down in town, meet some old gentleman that knew nothing
about a horse and obtain two prices for the animal, then the thing to do was to
return to one's comrades and brag how nicely it was done.
“He advised the
young people not to live such a penurious life, but to dress in the heighth of
fashion; ride behind fine horses; be free with the opposite sex; and if,
perchance, one of those fair daughters should be ruined, cast her aside to
wallow in disgrace the remainder of her days, while the gentleman who
perpetrated the foul deed should be held up as a cunning fellow.
“His advice to the
reverend divines was to make long prayers, pull straight faces, pretend
righteousness, preach sympathetic and graveyard sermons, deceive every man's
wife they possibly could, and be sure not to forget to steal the virtue of
every fair maiden who should come within their grasp. In fact, to go on just as
they had been. doing, "For in reality," said he, "my kingdom is
“And thus he went
on keeping his audience in a continual titter for about one hour and a half
while he portrayed the various crimes in society as being just the thing they
ought to do. At the expiration of this time he stepped forward, threw his hands
down by his side and explained, "Get behind me, Satan."
“Every countenance
was immediately changed and breathless silence reigned. He then began rebuking
these actions in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and called upon everyone to
repent and turn unto the true and living God, or damnation would be theirs.
“One evening at a
meeting composed mostly of his followers, the features of Mr. Edge turned
purple. No sooner had all quieted down in their seats than he sprang to his
feet and severely reprimanded them for the course they were taking.
"For," said he, "you have not only been plotting and planning
among yourselves to deceive me, but you have brought with you legions of
devils. Why, I can see them all through the house."
“On another
occasion, after Mr. Edge had returned from holding meeting in the courthouse at
Lexington, three of his young followers were out by the yard, severely
criticising the course pursued by their new preacher. One in particular thought
it was the height of folly for a man in these days to pretend to be inspired of
God. While they were just in the heat of their vilification, Mr. Edge came out
of the house, which was about one hundred and fifty yards away, and very calmly
walked down towards the yard. The boys saw him, ceased their abuse and turned
towards the house. When they met, Mr. Edge turned to the young man who had so
bitterly talked. about him, and said:
“"Young man,
you will not do; my spirit has been listening to your cowardly
“The boys, knowing
that they were too far from the house to be overheard, grew somewhat astonished
when Mr. Edge told the young man every sentence, word for word, that he had
“Mr. Edge came to
the residence of a widow lady by the name of Telitha Cumi Reed, one day, about
twelve o'clock, took off his hat, set aside his cane and amused himself by
reading while the lady prepared refreshments. After they had sat down to the
table, Mrs. Reed turned and asked Mr. Edge to return thanks, when she saw a
bright light encircling his head, which made a strange feeling pass over her;
however, she sat perfectly quiet. After grace, the light passed away.
“While upon this
subject I will relate a few of the many cases of healing that were effected by
the imposition of hands during Mr. Edge's stay among them. This same lady, Mrs.
Reed, had been bowed down with rheumatics for several years. On learning this
strange preacher taught the laying on of hands for the healing of the sick, she
believed he was a servant of God and sent for him. Without detailing how
marvelously this lady recovered, we will say that two years later her walk was
as free and easy as though rheumatics had never racked her frame.
“The wife of James
Reed, who was then said to be in the last stages of consumption, was almost
instantly healed through the imposition of Mr. Edge's hands in the name of
Jesus Christ.
“There were
several beautiful sketches drawn by Mr. Edge while in this locality. The one
that more particularly attracted my attention was a beautiful arch drawn upon
the front leaf of a large Bible, owned by Mr. Sirenous Reed. Directly up the
center of this arch were very neatly placed seven steps, on the foot of which
was written, beginning at the bottom, the following words: "Virtue,
Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly, Kindness and
“Just beneath the
bow of the arch was placed the figure of a young man who had just climbed this
narrow stairway, kneeling upon the top step, receiving a magnificent crown from
the hands of an angel.
“In the early part
of July, Mr. Edge kindly informed his followers that he would soon depart on
his Father's business. Before leaving, however, he desired all those whom he
had blessed to go with him through a fast of three days. In calling his
brethren and sisters together he told them the fast he desired them to pass
through was similar to that observed in ancient days by the Apostle Paul.
“He gave as his
reasons for this task the cleansing and purifying of the system, the
preparatory step to a greater labor, to test their worthiness to enter God's
kingdom; and lastly, if they would honestly and faithfully go through this
fast, it would enable them to taste of that spirit that would hereafter,
through obedience, bring them forth in the first resurrection.
“As the greater
part of his followers lived on the banks of Beech River, near the mouth of
Haley's Creek, this place was selected for the purpose of fasting. These three
days were spent in singing, and praying, and rejoicing in the Lord. Once a day
they were allowed to bathe in the waters of Beech River.
“Some were only
able to fight the pangs of hunger one day, while others held out until the
evening of the second day; but only twentyone, out of the sixtyodd who began
the fast, were able to say on the evening of the third day, "I have truthfully
kept the fast."
“It may seem
strange, nevertheless a fact, that every one of those who kept not the fast
turned to be his bitterest enemies.
“It is not
necessary for me to explain to him who has battled against popular sentiment
that, although the acts of this little band were as pure as the falling drops
of rain, many of the most glaring falsehoods were circulated about them.
“In those who had
followed him through these ordeals, Mr. Edge seemed to have implicit
confidence. Hence, he began teaching the more advanced principles of eternal
life, such as building places of worship, erecting temples to the Most High,
and to prepare for the grand millennium day of rest, when Christ will reign a
thousand years on earth. In this connection he told his followers that this
continent, the land of the free, the home of the brave and the asylum of the
oppressed, is the place designated by Him who reigns on high for the building
of that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem; aye, and more: that the day would
come when these United States would be dotted with temples, one of which would
be built in Henderson County, Tennessee.
“Soon after their
fast he called them together and pronounced upon each couple a ceremony of
marriage, and gave them to understand that if another opportunity was not
afforded them, this would hold throughout time and all eternity. He also gave
them some tokens that they might know when they entered a temple controlled by
servants of God.
“At another time,
when admonishing them, he quoted Rev. ii:17:
“To him that
overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white
stone, and in the stone a new name is written, which no man knoweth save he
that receiveth it.
“The story, ere
this, had been circulated that Mr. Edge was a "Mormon" preacher, in
this county for the purpose of leading silly women astray. The name of a
"Mormon" had a peculiar jingle in the ears of his followers, hence,
they flew to their preacher, Edge, at once for the truthfulness of this story.
He neither affirmed nor denied their queries, but regarding polygamy he said:
“If God shall give
a man one wife she will be his; and if it so pleases Him to give the same man
two, three, or even more, they also will be his.
“Dear reader, to
save wearying you, we will only relate one instance where Mr. Edge was
miraculously delivered from the hands of a ruthless mob, among the many similar
cases that occurred while he was in this county. The last time the pleasant
countenance of Robert Edge was seen by his beloved followers he stayed at the
residence of E.R. Reed, some seven miles northeast of Haley's Creek.
“At supper he gave
Mr. Reed and family to understand his intentions were to remain among them some
three weeks longer in order to more thoroughly organize and instruct them in
the gospel truths.
“About eleven
o'clock that night Mr. Reed was aroused from his slumbers by Robert Edge
gathering up his small bundle, Bible and cane. Mr. Reed inquired what was
wrong. Mr. Edge replied:
“There will be a
mob here shortly, and I must depart."
“At this Mr. Reed
sprang from his bed, saddled his animals, and he and Mr. Edge mounted them and
departed down through the woods in the direction of Alabama.
“Although Mr. Reed
was familiar with the roads for miles away, Mr. Edge led their course through
the woodlands in the darkening hours of night.
“Soon Mr. Edge
dismounted from his horse and told Mr. Reed he had gone far enough. Then taking
his bundle, Bible and cane, he bid Mr. Reed farewell.
“We will return to
Mrs, Reed, who was left with the little ones, anticipating a mob every moment.
“About twelve
o'clock there suddenly rushed around the house a gang of maddened brutes,
called men, who demanded the preacher, Edge. The lady kindly informed them that
he was not there. Not being satisfied with her answer, they rushed into the
house and searched it from the loft to the cellar. Not finding the object of
their search, they cursed and swore like so many demons. After about one hour
and a half they departed, promising the lady they would get him yet.
“This little band
of Mr. Edge's followers, according to his instructions, met together often,
talked to each other and sang praises to God. They frequently referred to the
sayings of Mr. Edge, where he told them that if they remained faithful, and
followed the dictations of the good spirit, that other preachers would visit
them and lead their footsteps to the main body of the Church. During the Winter
of 1880 there appeared in the New York Sun an interview with President John
Taylor by O.J. Hollister, in which the officers of the Church were named and
many of its doctrines spoken of.
“This was the
first thing to attract the attention of the followers of Mr. Edge towards the
Latterday Saints, and being desirous to learn more about this peculiar people
they addressed a letter of inquiry to the county clerk of Salt Lake County. D.
Brokholt, being clerk at that time, at once sent them the "Voice of
Warning" and several copies of The Deseret News, with advice to address
Pres. John Morgan at Rome, Georgia.
“After reading the
"Voice of Warning" and being favorably impressed with the doctrines
contained therein, they addressed a letter to Pres. Morgan, informing him that
one of our preachers visited them a few years previous and laid his hands upon
their heads for the reception of the Holy Ghost, but did not baptize them.
Hence, they were very desirous to have an Elder sent there to perform this
“Pres. Morgan at
once forwarded the letter to Pres. Franklin Spencer at Shady Grove, Hickman
Co., Tenn., who was then presiding over the Tennessee Conference, at the same
time writing to these people in Henderson County, informing them that There was
a branch of the Church on Cane Creek, Lewis Co., Tennessee.
“On receiving this
intelligence four of them mounted their horses and rode about sixty miles
before they reached Cane Creek; but finding no Elders there, they returned.
“At the time this
epistle came from Pres. Morgan, there were laboring in the conference, Pres.
Franklin Spencer, George H. Carver, Lorenzo Hunsaker and myself. Brother Carver
and I were selected to visit West Tennessee. This left President Spencer and
Brother Hunsaker each to travel alone. However, before starting Pres. Spencer
and I visited Cane Creek, at the same time sending a letter to West Tennessee.
“On arriving at
Cane Creek we found this little branch somewhat exercised over the visit of
these four gentlemen.
“About the time
our West Tennessee friends arrived home they received Pres. Spencer's letter,
bringing the news that we would be at Cane Creek at a certain date. James H.
Scott and Sirenious Reed wheeled their horses and came back.
“They arrived at
Cane Creek late in the afternoon. That evening and the following day were spent
in conversing with these two gentlemen upon the principles of the gospel, who
Mr. Edge was, how he taught the falling away and restoration of the gospel, the
necessity of building temples, the name that one would receive who should
remain faithful after passing through the temples, etc.
“Late in the after
part of the same day these gentlemen, after having conversed together a short
time, said:
hindereth us from putting on the whole armor of God that we might withstand the
fiery darts of the adversary?"
“Hence they were
baptized and returned home rejoicing.
“On the 13th day
of May, 1880, Brother George H. Carver and myself started on our trip to
Henderson County, Tenn.
“Not until we
arrived within about thirty miles of Lexington did we hear much about this
peculiar preacher.
“On the night of
the 20th, we stayed with Squire Long, a very intelligent gentleman, who began
telling us about that wonderful preacher, Robert Edge, who came into their
midst some two years previous. As we knew nothing of Mr. Edge we sat and
listened very attentively to his long story. He spoke about Mr. Edge pretending
to be inspired of God, about his peculiar manner of going to and coming from
meeting, of his being hunted down by mobs, of their fasting three days and more
particularly about the lumbering noise heard about the time Mr. Edge came among
“On the evening of
the 21st, we arrived at Sirenious Reed's. He received us kindly and sent out
for a number of his brethren; and, you may be assured, we had a good oldtime
chat that evening.
“On the 15th day
of June we obtained the following statement, which was dictated and signed by
two of them: (Not quoted herein, as it is a repetition of the account just
given about Robert Edge. It was signed by James Henderson Scott and Sirenious
“In a conversation
with some of them, Mr. Edge stated that he once lived in the land of Texas and
had a wife and one child when he began his missionary labor.
“He also informed
them that he had a partner whom he very frequently traveled with, by the name
of Cob, whom he had not seen since leaving the State of Arkansas.
“In speaking of
himself he said: "I am not worthy of but one of the nail prints in my
“Some time after
his departure, one of this little band was casually turning the leaves of the
large Bible owned by S. Reed, and discovered the 31st verse of the 24th Chapter
of Matthew enclosed in brackets, inside of which was written the name of Robert
“He wrote his
people two letters of encouragement, one while in the State of Georgia and the
other while in South Carolina. In the last one he spoke some of visiting
“A few months
later I met Pres. Morgan in the city of Nashville, who, while in conversation
regarding this preacher, Edge, showed me a letter he had received some time
previous with no name signed on it.
“As far as I was
able to judge between the writings left in Henderson County by Mr. Edge and
this letter, they were penciled by the same hand.
“Late in the fall
of the same year, Haley's Creek Branch, save one soul, emigrated to San Jose
County Colorado.
“Thus we close our
narrative thinking of the prayer of Robert Edge: "Those who seek
curiosity, cause that they might feel more curious." (
you have it, In my view – the best 3 Nephite story of all time.
you know of a better one I’d love to hear it.
God is still rooting for you.
“There were several beautiful sketches drawn by Mr. Edge while in this locality. The one that more particularly attracted my attention was a beautiful arch drawn upon the front leaf of a large Bible, owned by Mr. Sirenous Reed. Directly up the center of this arch were very neatly placed seven steps, on the foot of which was written, beginning at the bottom, the following words: "Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly, Kindness and Charity."
ReplyDelete“Just beneath the bow of the arch was placed the figure of a young man who had just climbed this narrow stairway, kneeling upon the top step, receiving a magnificent crown from the hands of an angel."
Every article on my blog boils down to the seven levels of mankind and of the servant who is to receive his first crown by joining the seventh level... hrm...I've felt it may not be so obvious how the two fit together but there they are in this 3 nephite story
This quote is also extremely interesting to me :
“In speaking of himself he said: "I am not worthy of but one of the nail prints in my hands."
I had only recently pieced together that the third token in the Temple aligns to the Holy Ghost... The first mark on the step to becoming a Savior. I believe the Holy Ghost is the head of the order of those who are at the sixth level (sixth step) of overcoming... Or the apostles, high priests, 144,000. The Apostles Peter, James
and John present us at the veil in the temple to learn the following sign. How interesting to consider that one of the three nephites who belongs to this order...has the actual sign present and marks his spiritual level.