2 Times Brigham Young Commanded Sea Storms To Stop (And They Did)

I went whale watching once. The waves were huge and choppy and the smell of diesel wafted through the air. I got sea sick. I turned green and lunged for the side to toss all my cookies into the uneven sea. This, of course, caused the fish to all disgorge up into the boat which caused me to toss back into the sea. It really caused a very messy back and forth. In silhouette it would have looked exactly like one of those expensive Japanese jumping fountains.
If I had better reason than seeing blow holes in the distance, and if I thought of it at all, perhaps I would have tried to calm the sea that day. If I had and it worked, I likely would not currently begrudge as many fish.
Weather calming is straight up scriptural. Off the top of my head, I can think of it happening twice in the Bible. In Mark 4:37-40 Jesus calmed the sea. Jonah allowed himself to be thrown out of his water-taxi to spare his panicking sea-chauffers. (Jonah 1:4, 15)
Such stories have been recorded in modern times too. Brigham Young had storm-calming experiences twice that I know of. We mentioned it briefly a few weeks ago. Once is remarkable, two times is kind of mind blowing.
This first instance is from the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint ..., Part 1, Volume 4:

1) “Tuesday, 26.—At one in the afternoon, Elder Brigham Young and company went on board the steamer Columbus, at Fairport, and went on towards Buffalo.
“Wednesday, 27.—About 1 o'clock this morning the wind arose, when Elder Brigham Young went on deck, prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus, when he felt to command the wind and the waves to cease, and permit them to proceed on their journey in safety. The winds abated, and he gave glory, honor, and praise to the God who rules all things. Arriving in Buffalo in the morning, they took the stage for Batavia.” (https://books.google.com/books?id=NnTZAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&dq=%22At+one+in+the+afternoon,+Elder+Brigham+Young+and+company%22&source=bl&ots=WHBhw44GQ5&sig=b-wB9aHrk7BrfFE-v6Bf2Zjj0eQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjn-OmOpZjaAhVN6GMKHee5AyEQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=%22At%20one%20in%20the%20afternoon%2C%20Elder%20Brigham%20Young%20and%20company%22&f=false 
This second time was captured in a 1977 Ensign article. The original is from Brigham Young’s own journal. Young is on a ship heading to England this time:
2) “On 26 November 1839, while en route to England to fulfill a mission, a violent storm buffeted the ship on which Brother Young traveled:
“I went upon deck and I felt impres in spirit to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus for a forgiveness of all my sins. And then I set to command the winds to sees [cease] and let ous [us] goe safe on our Jorney. The winds abated and Glory & ouner [honor] & prase be to that God that rules all things.” (https://www.lds.org/ensign/1977/08/brigham-young-man-of-the-spirit?lang=eng)

It’s important to note here that it wasn’t the power of Brigham Young that calmed those torrents. It was the power of God. It doesn’t seem to be too difficult of a heavenly trick, either, because here are two more instances of it.
Come for the Brigham Young, stay for the Jonathon Napela. Napela was an early Hawaiian convert. He worked closely with George Q. Cannon for a time. Here we have two of his stories that prove you don’t have to be in line for prophet to get heavenly favors:
1) “On one occasion, Elder Napela was called to accompany a party of elders to the island of Hawaii to settle some difficulties which had arisen there. After matters were taken care of, the missionaries, ready to return, were prevented by several weeks of torrential rain. One morning the brethren asked Elder Napela to pray that the rain would cease. This he did, and before the elders were off their knees, the skies had begun to clear. They began their journey that day.
2) “On another trip, several elders were traveling in a whale boat from Lanai to Lahaina, when adverse winds and turbulent water made headway impossible. All of the brethren were seasick. Elder George Q. Cannon asked Elder Napela to pray and quiet the sea. Elder Napela did so, and within fifteen minutes the sea was calm and the missionaries continued on their journey.” (https://ldsmag.com/article-1-11975/) 
There you have it. Sometimes, if it’s important enough, and if you are worthy and sincere, the Lord can alter weather patterns for you. That’s an interesting thought with ample instances.


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