A Bunch Of Times Joseph Smith Indicated The Next Saint-Settlement Was Not In Pittsburgh, Michigan or Texas

After Joseph Smith was murdered a whole bunch of people, I’ve heard as many as 15, raised their hand to volunteer themselves as the prophet’s heaven-sent successor. Sidney Rigdon is probably the best known second man. He wanted to take everyone back to Pittsburgh. ( https://byustudies.byu.edu/content/sidney-rigdon-post-nauvoo ) . James Strang wanted to cheesehead on over to Wisconsin and then hop up to Michigan ( http://www.michiganradio.org/post/how-mormon-king-shaped-sleepy-island-lake-michigan ) . Lyman Wight said Smith told him to wagon train to Texas. ( https://tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fwi05 ) . Brigham Young, of course, had the distant Rocky Mountains in his sights. But where did Joseph Smith want to go? He certainly had plans to leave Nauvoo. Joseph infamously crossed the river going west just before his imprisonment and death. That’s a clue, right? Below is a big list of far more than clues. It’s a truckload of old pioneer commentary a...